Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Preoccupation with Gays and Abortion

The religious community is often faulted with the insensitive and deep-rooted criticism of those who don't abide by the laws and codes of the Bible. This past July Pope Francis made comments essentially criticizing the Catholic church's pre-occupation with controversial issues such as abortion, homosexuality and contraception. During the interview with the Jesuit based journal, La Civilta Cattolica, the pope frankly stated “He doesn't want us to just harp on birth control and gay marriage, he wants us to bring back compassion, mercy, outreach to the poor and inclusion of the marginalized,” he said. Boston College professor, Thomas Groome, said the comments were a shift away from his predecessors. It is noticeably obvious that the Catholic Church has chosen to stick to their old ways and has made no clear effort to modernize their outlook on others who don't fit the mold of what they believe to be “virtuous”. It is odd that of all people to criticize the Catholic Church it is the Pope himself! This may be a precursor to where religion as we know it may be headed. Who knows… we might eventually have a – dare I say it, a Gay pope.

Although, the question comes into play “Why should it matter?” That has always been the lingering question in my mind. Religion preaches basic principles such as “Love thy neighbor”, “Treat others as you would like to be treated”, and “diversity”, but when the Church comes out with comments calling gay
marriage an ‘abomination’ it considers you to rethink how hypocritical their ideals really are. It’s just like that one kid in class who always told the teacher what everyone else did wrong but when he did something wrong he had nothing to say! If you want to really get technical – we are all sinners. I never got the memo that God hated gays more than he hated murderers. Due to the fact that Christians will forgive one if he simply repents for his wrongdoing, it shouldn’t matter what that “wrongdoing” is right? Well, this leads me to assume that the church has selective forgiveness, because unless you get ‘healed’ and rid yourself of your homosexuality you are a force of evil in the eyes of the Lord. If someone has a break, please give me one.

“In Buenos Aires I used to receive letters from homosexual persons who are ‘socially wounded’ because they tell me they feel like the church has always condemned them.” Said the Pope. It is actually gratifying to know that the leader of the religious world essentially agrees that it is nonsensical to STILL be preoccupied with what others are doing in their personal lives. People are being ostracized for simply wanting to be happy; I am positive that someone would not choose to be outcast by society, teased, disrespected and have their dignity, quite often, taken away from them. As it is good that the followers of the Catholic Church may be rethinking their outlooks on these matters it is also our responsibility to look inwards and reevaluate how we may treat others based on their sexual orientation, race, or personal decisions they participate in. In order to peacefully coexist with others it requires basic respect for one another and a mutual understanding that although everyone may not be like you, it is still your obligation to respect them. 

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